One meal can spread the gospel.

By donating the price of one meal or even just a coffee, you can help us spread the love of Jesus to the unreached. Your contribution supports vital training and equips local disciples from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Join us to make a profound impact and bring the hope of Jesus to those who have never heard.

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Girl with Coffee

Thousands Have Come to Know and Follow Jesus...

In the last six months, our trainees have led over 10,000 people to Christ and facilitated their baptism. Additionally, approximately 2,000 new churches have been started dby DMI trainees and those they disciple in the past few years..

In-Person Follow-Up Training is Key to Fruitfulness

Your support enables us to conduct essential in-person training sessions for those who have completed online courses. By sending experienced DMI coaches to conduct regional onsite events, we can personally encourage and equip our alumni face-to-face. This direct interaction is key to fostering exponential multiplication and deepening the impact of our mission.

Will you help us fund more onsite training?

Give to Onsite Disciplemakers Training TODAY!
DMI Training in Africa

Please contribute as generously as possible.

Who do we train?

Most of our trainees are from Africa and Asia. They need scholarships to receive training. Your donation will help fund the training of someone like Abdata from Uganda, who after enrolling in our program started over 60 new disciple-making groups and churches.

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Your generous donation helps in so many ways.


Why you should donate

4 out of 10 people in the world have yet to hear the gospel. They live in what we call unreached people groups.

These ethnic peoples have rapidly growing populations and unless we are able to start multiplying movements of disciples among them, this will not change. Disciple Makers Increase provides training to make these possible.


Where your money goes

Unlike other nonprofits and charities, our CEO, leadership team, and board all serve as volunteers. That means that more than 80 percent of what you give goes directly to helping us train new disciple-makers. The remaining 20 percent is used to pay virtual admin staff, and platform costs to assist in operations. Your money will be well spent for what it is given.


What past donations have achieved

In the last 4 years, we’ve been able to train over 2,500 people from over 90 nations of the world. Hundreds of new churches and disciple-making groups have begun in places like Nepal, Pakistan, Nigeria, India, South Sudan, and many others. They continue to multiply and grow. Disciples are making disciples. Groups are starting groups. God's Kingdom is coming to new areas.

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Rescue on a Hilltop.

One of the things we offer as part of the Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements course is an online disciple-making group experience.  This morning as our facilitators met to debrief after the recent session, she told me this story. 


Japeth, a young man from Malawi actively participated in the Bible study.  At the end of the online study, his application step was to go to a hill near his home and pray for his community. 

Faithfully he did this and took another friend along.  Atop the hill, they prayed together. Faith and passion filled their hearts, and their voices grew louder and louder.  Hearing their shouts, a man approached.

After some initial conversation, he told them he had come to the top of this hill to hang himself.  Sharing their hope in Jesus, they prayed for him, and he became a follower of Jesus that day.  Praise God!  This is what our trainees are learning - to be obedient disciples, who make disciples in response to God’s word. 

Learn More About DMI's Ministry

Your donation is more important now than ever.

Our God-led dream is to equip 1,000 new Global South leaders this year to make and multiply disciples among the unreached. Will you help us bring training to disciple-makers like Japheth?

Disciple Makers Increase

P.O.Box 1034, Prior Lake, MN 55372, USA

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